How to Foster a Love of Reading In Your Children.


As parents, we all know that reading is important. It helps with language development, expands vocabulary and knowledge, and opens up a world of imagination. But how do we get our kids to love reading as much as we do?

In this blog post, I'll explore the best ways to foster a lifelong love of reading in your children - from building a home library to making story time exciting and engaging. So let's dive in and help your child discover the magic of books!

Looking for ways to help your reluctant readers? Read 5 Amazing Ways to Improve Reading Skills for Reluctant Readers 

Encouraging your child to read daily

When it comes to encouraging your child to read every day, there are a few things you can do as a parent to help. First, set aside some time each day for reading. Whether it’s before bedtime or first thing in the morning, make sure reading is part of your daily routine. This will send the message to your child that reading is important. 

Another way to encourage your child to read every day is to create a cosy reading nook in your home. Make sure there’s a comfortable place for them to sit and plenty of light so they can see the pages. Add some blankets and pillows for extra coziness.

Finally, stock up on plenty of books that your child will enjoy. Visit the library or bookstore together and let them choose some books they’re excited about.

Make bedtime story reading a special part of the day.

When it comes to fostering a love of reading in your children, making bedtime story reading a special part of the day can be extremely beneficial. Not only is it a great way to wind down before going to sleep, but it also allows you to bond with your child and share in their love of stories. 

Here are a few tips for making bedtime story reading a special part of the day: 

1. Set aside some time each night specifically for reading. This will help your child know that reading is important and something to be cherished. 

2. Make sure the books you choose are ones that your child will enjoy. If they’re not interested in the story, they’re not likely to want to keep reading. 

3. Take turns reading aloud with your child. This way, they can see that you enjoy reading as well and that it’s not just something they have to do. 

4. Make it interactive! Ask questions about the story and encourage your child to do the same. This will help them better understand what they’re reading and make it more enjoyable for both of you. 

5. And finally, don’t forget to cuddle up close when you read together. There’s nothing like snuggling up with your little one while enjoying a good book!

Creating a reading corner or library in your home

Additionally, one of the best things you can do is create a reading corner or library in your home. This will give them a dedicated space to read, and it will also help to instill a love of books as they associate comfort with reading. Further recognizing books as important enough to have in the home will instill an appreciation for them. Here are some tips for creating a reading corner or library in your home: 

1. Choose a good location: The location of the reading corner or library is important. It should be somewhere that is quiet and peaceful, so that your children can really focus on their reading. 

2. Make it cozy: A cozy reading corner or library is more inviting and comfortable for children to read in. You can make it cozy by adding comfortable furniture, pillows, and blankets and ensuring you have enough lighting. 

3. Stock it with good books: Of course, no reading corner or library would be complete without good books! Fill the shelves with plenty of interesting and engaging books for your children to read. NOTE: See our article on the top 11 picture books we think add value to reading! 

4. Encourage use: Once you've created the perfect reading corner or library, encourage your children to use it! Read with them often, and let them see you enjoying reading yourself.

Offering incentives or rewards for reading

Offering incentives or rewards for reading is a great way to encourage your children to read more. By offering them a prize for reading a certain number of books, you can motivate them to read more often. Additionally, you can use reading as a reward for good behavior. For example, if your child behaves well at school, you can let them pick out a new book to read as a reward.

Getting into good reading habits early

Instilling a love of books and reading early on can help them develop strong reading habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. Here are some tips to get you started: 

1. Start Early: The sooner you start reading with your children, the better. Babies and toddlers are never too young to benefit from being read to. 

2. Make It a Daily Habit: Try to make reading part of your child's daily routine, even if it's just for a few minutes at bedtime. The more consistent you are, the more likely they are to develop good reading habits. 

3. Choose Good Books: Not all books are created equal when it comes to fostering a love of reading. Look for books that are age-appropriate and engaging for your child. Ask your local librarian or bookstore clerk for recommendations. 

4. Read Aloud Together: One of the best ways to foster a love of reading is to read aloud together as often as possible. This gives kids a chance to see you model good reading habits and also allows them to follow along and develop their own skills. 

5. Talk About What You're Reading: I know I said this earlier, but it's a super important aspect of getting children engaged in reading. It also encourages critical thinking skills! As you're reading together, take breaks to discuss what's happening in the story or ask questions about the characters and plot.

Taking regular trips to the local library.

There are few better places to encourage a love of reading than the local library. It's a great place for your children to peruse and discover various types of books, and it's usually free! If your library has story time or other events for kids, try to take advantage of them. The more exposure your kids have to books and reading, the more likely they are to develop a love for it.

Introducing your child to different types of literature.

Don't limit your reading. Your children will greatly benefit from being introduced to different types of literature. This can include books, comics, magazines, newspapers, and even online articles. 

So to exposing your children to a variety of literary genres will help them find what they enjoy reading and what speaks to them. 

Here are some tips for introducing your child to different types of literature: 

1. Ask them what they would like to read about and source materials for them to have read to them or to read aloud themselves. If you homeschool, strewing these materials around for them to pick up and explore on their own is a great way for them to ‘discover’ these materials. 

2. Make sure the material is age-appropriate. Choosing books, comics, or articles that are too advanced for your child can be frustrating and may turn them off from reading altogether. Conversely, picking something that's too easy will bore them quickly. Find something that challenges them without being overwhelming. 

3. Let them read at their own pace. Don't try to force your child to read faster than they're comfortable with—this will only make them resentful of reading altogether. Instead, let

Helping them identify their favorite authors

One way to help your child develop a love of reading is to encourage them to identify their favorite authors. 

This can be done by exposing them to a variety of authors and books and then asking them questions about what they like and don't like. You can also have them keep a list of their favorite authors so they can easily reference it when looking for new books to read.

 Additionally, you can encourage them to read reviews and interviews with their favorite authors so they can learn more about them and their writing process.

We would love to hear from you!

Let us know if you have been successful in finding new and interesting ways to get your child excited about reading! What did you try that didn't work?