Pre-Kindergarten to 4th Grade
Not sure where to start with your curriculum? Here is our suggested sequence of homeschool programs to get your child from learning how to read to mastering writing and spelling.
Pre-K and Kindergarten (Ages 4-6)
The very first steps to reading, writing, and language arts - when your child is ready.
Early Reading Set 1
Learn to read right from the beginning! There’s no need to know the alphabet first. Each book has phonics lessons built-in to master the first level of reading.
Handwriting Book 1
Begin handwriting with our program that reinforces the phonics and sight words taught in the reading books! Write what they can read along with all the Dash friends and fun activities.
Dash into Happy: Book 1 + Activity Pack
Begin the very first steps to social-emotional learning in your homeschool curriculum and building character together with Fan and Sam in "The Three Bears”.

Dash into Poetry: Book 1 + Activity Book
After finishing our Early Readers Set 1, your child is ready for our Dash into Poetry program! Decodable poems are exactly for this level of reader.
After finishing Handwriting Book 1, get more handwriting and reading practice with our fun poetry activity books!
First Grade (Ages 6-7)
More advanced phonics rules, longer books, more handwriting, and advanced poetry for your higher-level homeschool curriculum.
Early Reading Set 2
Once the Kindergarten level is complete, begin Early Reading Set 2! Your child will start to learn more advanced phonics rules and go beyond CVC words.
Reading Activity Packs: Set 2
The perfect companion to the reading books. Make reading FUN! Complete the program with games, puppets, copy work, coloring, mazes and more all to master the phonics taught in each book.
Handwriting Book 2 and Book 3
Continue learning handwriting and mastering perfect penmanship while also reinforcing that is taught in Set 2 of the early reading program. Plus fun activities on every page!
Dash into Poetry Book 2 + Activity Book
These are classic poems selected for young readers who have finished Set 2 of our early reading program.
Filled with phonics and sight words that your child can read on their own! Help your homeschooler develop a love of poetry and more reading confidence.
Dash into Happy Book 2
Continue learning emotional resilience and character development with Book 2 from our set and activity packs.
Second Grade (Ages 7-8)
Continue advancing to the next level with Dash!

Early Reading Set 3
More advanced phonics rules and longer stories to build reading skills, fluency, and confidence.
Cursive Book 1 and 2
Begin Cursive once all your Handwriting books are finished. Our program is the most fun way to learn cursive!
Dash into Spelling Book 1
After finishing the Set 3 early readers program and all 3 books of the handwriting program, your child is ready to begin Spelling Book 1.
Dash into Happy Book 3 and 4 + Activity Packs
Continue building emotional resilience and character with Books 3 and 4, plus the activity packs from our Dash into Happy program.
Poetry Book 3 + Activity Book
This includes more advanced poems to decode for your early reader. It’ll help build reading skills and fluency while enjoying beautiful language. You can also practice handwriting these poems and have fun with playful activities.
Third Grade (Ages 8-9)
Spelling Book 2
Continue more advanced spelling rules and longer words in all new Dash stories and poems. This also includes fun spelling activities on every page to motivate your homeschooler to learn!
Fourth Grade (Ages 9-10)
More Advanced Spelling and Reading