Help My Homeschool Classroom Exploded! How to Organize Better.


It’s almost Christmas break, and we've been at the books for the past few months. If you’re feeling a little less than excited over your homeschooling classroom's appearance, you're in the right place. Some days it feels like your homeschooling classroom has exploded. Papers are everywhere, there are half-finished projects on every surface, and you can’t find anything when you need it.

If this sounds familiar, don’t worry—you’re not alone. Many homeschooling parents feel like they’re constantly struggling to keep their homeschool classrooms organized.

In this blog post, I am sharing some tips on how to better organize your homeschooling classroom so that you can focus on teaching and learning instead of searching for misplaced materials.

If you missed our post about creating a Homeschool Schedule you can read it here.

Homeschool organization equals peaceful learning.

Organizing your homeschool can feel like an insurmountable task, but it doesn't have to be! A little planning and forethought go a long way toward creating a peaceful learning environment for both you and your child.

Starting the week with a freshly organized space will bring you peace during the chaos that can be teaching many ages at home. I get that with four daughters, silly outbursts happen, and it's easier to enjoy those spontaneous fun moments with your kiddos when the area is in order.


Start by evaluating your current space. Is it working for you? If not, what changes do you need to make? Maybe you need to add some shelving or clear off a table. Once you have a plan for your physical space, take a look at your curriculum. Do you have too much stuff? Take some time to streamline your materials so that they are easily accessible and meet your needs.

Finally, consider your daily routine. What works and what doesn't? Are there ways you can simplify or eliminate some activities to make things run more smoothly? When you have a plan in place for each of these areas, it will be much easier to keep your homeschool organized—and peaceful!

How to Have Your Kids Help Organize Your Books

One way to help organize your homeschool classroom is to involve your kids in the process. Here are some tips on how to do that:

1. Make a list of tasks that need to be done. This can include things like dusting bookshelves, putting away books that are no longer being used, and sorting books into different categories. 

2. Assign each child a task or two from the list. Let them know what you expect them to do and how long you expect it to take. This is a great time for kids to learn by living. 

3. Kids learn valuable time management skills as well as reading skills. Small children can be asked to sort books based on the first alphabetical letter in the title. Older kids can then sort the books based on a more in-depth alphabetical order.

4. It's also a wonderful time to learn about the Dewey Decimal System (coincidentally, it's almost time to celebrate Dewey Decimal System Day on December 10th), which will be invaluable when they head out to the public library next.

5. You can take this whole book sorting a step further and break the books into fiction or non-fiction, age ranges, content, and grade level. There are so many fun learning experiences while sorting books that kids will love it.

Kids will also no doubt take the time to crack open a favorite book or two. Find a new book they love and spend valuable time exploring books as a tactile experience while organizing.

If you're looking for more wholesome reading materials to add to your library be sure to see Dash Into Learning's reading  and poetry books.

How to Organize Your Classroom "Bulletin" Boards

If your bulletin boards, also known as the walls, are anything like mine were, they are probably overflowing with random pieces of kids' artwork, important reminders, and learning signs. Here are a few tips to help you get them organized and functioning better:

1. Go through everything and decide what needs to stay up and what can be taken down. This is a great opportunity to declutter and get rid of anything that is no longer relevant.

2. Sort the remaining items into categories such as topics being studied, calendar events, etc. This will make it easier to determine where each item should go when you start putting things back up.

3. Now it’s time to actually put things back up! Start with the most important category first and work your way from there. Be sure to leave some empty space on each board or wall so that new items can be added as needed.

4. Once everything is back in its place, take a step back and admire your handiwork! Your bulletin boards and walls are now organized and ready to help keep your homeschool running smoothly.


Be sure to take the time to think about your own personal decorating style as well. How can you incorporate that into your homeschool bulletin board or wall area so that you're happy with the overall finished appearance of the area?

How to Keep on Top of Learning Area Organization While Homeschooling

It's easy for homeschooling families to let learning area organization slide. After all, there's no school administrator breathing down your neck to make sure everything is just so. But a little bit of effort in this area can go a long way toward making your homeschooling days more productive and far less stressful.

Here are some tips for keeping on top of learning area organization while homeschooling:

1. Schedule regular cleaning and decluttering sessions. Set aside time each week or month to tidy up your homeschool space. This will help prevent the buildup of clutter and make it easier to find things when you need them.

2. Get everyone involved in the process. Assign tasks to each family member, and make sure everyone knows where things belong. This will help keep the space organized and prevent arguments over who should be responsible for what.

3. Invest in storage solutions that work for you. Whether it's labeled bins, baskets, or something else entirely, find a system that helps you keep track of everything. This will save you time and frustration in the long run.

4. Be flexible with your plans. If something isn't working, don't be afraid to change it until you find a system that does work for you and your family. There is no one right way to do things, so don't be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for you.

Organizing Ideas for Paper Messes in the Home

Paper messes in the home can be a daunting task, but there are a few tips and tricks to make it easier. One way to start is by designating a specific place for all of your child's schoolwork. This might be a desk in their bedroom, the kitchen table, or even a spot on the floor in your living room. Once you have a designated space, you can begin to declutter and organize their papers.

One way to declutter is to go through all of the papers and decide what needs to be kept and what can be thrown away. Anything that is no longer needed can be recycled or tossed. Once you have sorted through everything, you can begin to organize their papers into different categories. This might include schoolwork, art projects, homework, etc.

Once everything is sorted and organized, you can then begin to create a system for storing everything. This might involve using folders, binders, or even just stacking papers neatly on shelves. The important thing is that everything has a designated spot and that it is easy to access when needed.

 Another idea to reduce your paper clutter is to use digital solutions in your home. You can take photographs of the kids' artwork and create a scrapbook online. Lessons that are worth saving can be saved in a pdf file on your drive. There's always a solution to rid your home of unnecessary paper clutter.

 By taking the time to declutter and organize your child's papers, you will help them stay on top of their work, and they will see how organization plays a key part in daily adult life and learn to implement their own organizational skills.

 Conclusion: Organizing Will Bring a More Relaxed Homeschool Experience.

There is nothing quite as blissful as walking into your own organized homeschool area. The smiling faces of your pupils eagerly waiting for their next lesson. The laughter you can share when you are no longer carrying the weight of a disorganized space will give you cherished memories for years to come.

What are you currently struggling with in your homeschool organizational journey? Leave a comment below and we'll brainstorm a solution for your homeschool area!